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They are capable of flying


Possibility to receive geographical information about the places flying-by. In the event of an internal fire, the Rescue and Firefighting team that arrives should know exactly which part of the aircraft they can penetrate to enter the cabin.* Fuselage structure is more resistant to fatigue damage. An uncontained engine failure/disintegration is something that can never be ruled out.* Crew can get live images in case of an engine failure which they can evaluate and monitor.The only known fatal accidents due to window failure happened in the 1950s when De Havilland Comets had catastrophic failures of the windows.* China Straight into the lighters Manufacturers Possibility to take pictures of the outside world from the camera video and download them on personal smartphone.

Like the Concorde which became a white elephant due to poor order numbers, a windowless airliner may find very few takers. These will come under non-essential equipment and a flight will never be cancelled because the virtual imagery system failed. All electronic equipment can fail sometime or other. The adverse psychological impact in flying long hours in a windowless tube can be extremely damaging.Benefits for the airliner:* Fuselage structure is lighter, fuel consumption lower and the impact on environment is minor. They are capable of flying to the destination even with loss of an engine.Excerpts from a concept paper presented at the 5th Challenges in European Aerospace Conference in the Netherlands. To save costs, you are removing one of the most essential safety features. Similarly, for an external fire, both cabin crew and passengers should know which side of the aircraft is safe for evacuation. In the aircraft with double walled glass windows, the damage may occur only to the outer pane and it will not affect the pressurisation.